Airline Manager 2 : Planning filler

Total duration (hours) :Show close solutions (slow)

Line numberDuration (hours)Min rotations (optional)Max rotations (optional)

Usage :

1) Set the planning duration in hours, 168 is one week, 24 is one day
2) Fill a few lines (6 max) with the flight duration, and if you want the minimum and maximum number of rotations
3) Submit
Time must be entered in decimal format ! (15 min = 0.25) as an example 14 hours 45 min should be entered as 14.75

Results :

1) Two tables will be generated and sorted, one for exact solutions, and one for close solution (planning not 100% filled)
2) E-rating is a 0-1000 rank indexed on how much longest lines are present in the solution (higher the better)
3) F-rating is a 0-100 rank showing how much planning is filled (100 = 100% of time, higher the better)

Example :

I have 3 lines of 11h45min, 9h15min and 7h duration, due to lack of demand I can only have 6 max rotation on 11h45min line,
I want a 1 week planning, what could be the best planning for me ?
1) Put 168 in total duration, 11.75 in line1 duration, 9.25 in line2 duration, 7 in line3 duration, and 6 in line1 max rotations
2) Submit
3) Best 100% fill (exact) solution is : 6 x 11h45 + 6 x 9h15 + 6 x 7h , the E-rating is 828 (F-rating is 100)
4) Best close to 100% fill solution is : 6 x 11h45 + 9 x 9h15 + 2 x 7h , the E-rating is 859 (F-rating is 99.8)

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